
Monday, April 1, 2013


So with GDC come and gone, I learned some great lessons that I'm hoping to be able to apply next year.

-Make a game plan of where you want to be when. There are tons of speakers and discussion sessions plus things happening on the expo floor. Laying out a plan of where you want to be when will help it go smoother and you won't feel lost.
- Be prepared to feel frustrated with HR reps. I was told this by a professor but I didn't understand the extent of frustration.
-Go knowing what your strengths are and sell them. Too many times I told people I was a programmer and their response was "send in an application" The real conversations about jobs that I heard started when someone said "I excel in Tool making" or "I'm excellent with Game Engines" If you can narrow down your interests then they can further investigate if you are right for their company.
- Roger told us this but it was true. Swag run first to get your stuff, then go and wait in lines to talk to people.
- Don't be satisfied with a one time visit. There are many different people at the booths all day. Take time to go back and see if you can talk to someone else that you might click better with. This is one of my fatal flaws of this last trip. I was satisfied with everyone telling me to just go online and apply. I didn't try going back to talk to others.
-Plan to go to after parties. some of the best networking experiences can happen at an afterparty. Even if you are tired after the convention closes. GO TALK TO PEOPLE! In this program everyone has a game they can promote or show off. Talk to everyone about it!

GDC was a great experience and I would like to go to more conventions in the future.

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